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2. Tyni bby - Tinyyyx20 - Fancentro
Mar 30, 2020 · Tinyyyx20 - Hecha un vistazo a mi post - Tyni bby - en Fancentro y cuéntame tu opinión.
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3. Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 10.djvu/12 - Wikisource ...
Mar 10, 2021 · the Saxon duchies on the commission for drafting an im- perial constitution for Germany. In November of the same year he became president of ...
the Saxon duchies on the commission for drafting an im- perial constitution for Germany. In November of the same year he became president of the Altenburg ministry, but he resigned office in the following August. From 1851 to 1868 he was president of the second chamber of the duchy of Altenburg; but in the latter year he withdrew entirely from public life, that he might give undivided attention to his learned researches. He died on his estate of Lemnitz, in Saxe-Weimar, on the 3d of September 1874. In the course of his life he is said to have learned no fewer than eighty languages, thirty of which he spoke with fluency and elegance. But he was less remarkable for his power of acquisition than for the higher talent which enabled him to turn his knowledge to the genuine advancement of linguistic science. Immediately after quitting the university, he followed up his Chinese researches by a study of the Finno-Tatarie languages, which resulted in the pub- lication of his Elémeus de [a Grummm're JIanch/zoue in 183:2. In 1837 he became one of the promoters, and a joint-editor, of the Z'I'Isc/n-{ft fiir die Ir'mulc des JIM-gen- lvuuies, and through this medium he gave to the world his l'ersurh einer nun'dm'm'sc/ten Grunmmh'k and other valuable contributions. His G'rumln'ige der syijdm'sc/ten Grammati/c appeared in 1841. In conjunction with his old school friend, Julius Labe, the Germanist, he brought out a com- plete edition, with translation, glossary, and grammar, of Ulfilas’s Gothi...
4. Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1921-02-10)" - Internet Archive
Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1921-02-10)". See other formats. RBCMT§ \ i> lurla antf vlrlnit) 1 tlx- 1 1 Irti anil mllJ |MU1»4 aad mild. t witfe mim.
5. "Wolę podrzeć, niż sprzedać Niemcom" czyli EURO... - Forum - Gazeta.pl
Jun 29, 2012 · "Cezary ze Szczecina. Ma cztery bilety. Sprzedaje po 400 euro. Kupił za 500 euro na aukcji po meczu Polska - Rosja i liczył, ...
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