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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Friday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….9-6-24……NEXT WEEK

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only.

Frank has stated he will no longer do public videos on the Iraqi dinar UNLESS it is Important, Prudent or Necessary.

Frank26: Tonight I want to share with you because I feel it is both Prudent and Important


Friday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….9-6-24……NEXT WEEK

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only.

Frank has stated he will no longer do public videos on the Iraqi dinar UNLESS it is Important, Prudent or Necessary.

Frank26: Tonight I want to share with you because I feel it is both Prudent and Important

Tonight’s Iraq news starts about minute 25:00

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#



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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Friday Evening News With MarkZ

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening -Let's Get This Party Started!

Member: It’s going to be a Great weekend everyone!

Friday Evening News With MarkZ

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening -Let's Get This Party Started!

Member: It’s going to be a Great weekend everyone!


MZ: More like a veggie burger tonight.

​​Member: Veggie burgers are better than nothing.

MZ: Nothing this afternoon that is new and fresh.

Member: Mark, sometimes no news is good news. All is quiet on the front lines...possible surprise coming in stealth mode.

Member: MarkZ big question... any understanding on what happens with the old Fiat dollar transition into the Treasury gold back bucks?

MZ: We have talked about this…..That is what Mr. C’s role is. And when you change them in it will be 1 to 1. Anything in bank accounts will automatically change. There will be a limited amount of time to turn in all the fiat greenbacks you have for new USN’s. When that time is up…the value on those old notes goes poof…..not worth anything but wallpaper- you can use them to laminate your bar. This process used to be called the dollar refunding project.

Member: That’s what happened with Confederate money……poof – worth nothing.

Member: Will our fiat coins still exist?

MZ: I believe fiat coins are different…they are stamped by the US Treasury. And they should still be accepted……not have to be changed.

​​Member: I heard SS was down all day across the nation. May be it will be happening soon.

Member: Something must of happened Frank is coming on with a red suit

Mark. Thank you for ALL you do. We couldn't survive this journey with you and these wonderful Mods.

Member: Thank you, Mark! Thank you, Mods!


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKEpDLtrPiI

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

MikeCristo8: China and Russia are Now Ready to use the Gold-Backed Unit

Thursday, 5 September 2024

MikeCristo8 @MikeCristo8

China is now a consumption economy.

Arnaud Bertrand: This is huge: China announces that they'll "give all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) having diplomatic relations with China, including 33 countries in Africa, zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines". This means zero-tariff on all products or goods exported to China…Show more

China is shorting oil in dollars before the gold currency launch.

MikeCristo8: China and Russia are Now Ready to use the Gold-Backed Unit

Thursday, 5 September 2024

MikeCristo8 @MikeCristo8

China is now a consumption economy.

Arnaud Bertrand: This is huge: China announces that they'll "give all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) having diplomatic relations with China, including 33 countries in Africa, zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines". This means zero-tariff on all products or goods exported to China…Show more

China is shorting oil in dollars before the gold currency launch.

Russia has already bought the gold.

They’re just suddenly making an announcement about it.

Something tells me OPEC has already made the transition to sell oil in gold.

What’s going to happen to all the macro people when the rate cut doesn’t happen?

China is using its citizens’ gold accounts to back the unit by 40%.

Russia accepts gold for oil payments.

Is it coming together now?

The unit has launched.

The General: BREAKING: Russia will start selling oil for gold starting in September.

China and Russia are now ready to industrialize using the gold-backed unit.

Bypassing the dollar in balance of payments.




Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

yada ...It has been a week since the 95% of the banks in Iraq were activated to handle all the foreign currencies for business and trade. Im of the mind they were monitoring the movements of the currencies for the region and hence the expectation for any moment of us to exchange.

Mike Cottrell The word I got earlier this week was that things are in progress…and to stand by...But I am very encouraged by what is going on. Whether it is in the next few days or the next few weeks…I see this coming to a climax. I really do. And I am very pleased.


Greg Mannarino: 9-6-2024


Credit Crisis Hits HARD As 50 Million Americans Abandon Creditors!

Atlantis Report: 9-6-2024

The United States is grappling with an unprecedented financial crisis, with up to 50 million Americans defaulting on their debts.

This has triggered significant disruption in the nation’s credit system, causing widespread economic instability

Lenders are scrambling to contain the fallout, while consumers are overwhelmed by growing debt.

Although the American economy has weathered numerous challenges in recent years, the current credit crisis stands out as the most severe.

With more than 50 million people halting payments to creditors, the situation has progressed from early warnings to a full-scale emergency.

As consumer debt surges, the impact is becoming painfully clear.


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The Theft Of The Century Has Mixed Up Its Cards And Its Rope Has Been Lost In Its Arrows

Local The theft of the century has mixed up its cards and its rope has been lost in its arrows

Information/Report.. In a dramatic scene starring the head of the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, and amidst intense anger and excitement, he announced, yesterday, Wednesday, the start of the real battle against corruption, during the press conference he held in Erbil, dedicated to revealing the secrets of the theft of the century that shook political circles in Iraq, and the repercussions of the main accused, Nour Zuhair, leaving the country despite the decision to prevent him from traveling before his appearance from Lebanon on satellite channels and his threat to reveal prominent names involved in the case.

Hanoun revealed that Nour Zuhair was involved in stealing customs deposits worth more than a trillion dinars, demanding “holding a session in the presence of Judge Diaa Jaafar to reveal the full facts to the public.”

These repercussions have mixed things up and complicated the scene that expresses the extent of corruption in Iraq. Will those in charge of this file be able to end corruption or will they continue to revolve in its vortex by exchanging accusations?

The Theft Of The Century Has Mixed Up Its Cards And Its Rope Has Been Lost In Its Arrows

Local The theft of the century has mixed up its cards and its rope has been lost in its arrows

Information/Report.. In a dramatic scene starring the head of the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, and amidst intense anger and excitement, he announced, yesterday, Wednesday, the start of the real battle against corruption, during the press conference he held in Erbil, dedicated to revealing the secrets of the theft of the century that shook political circles in Iraq, and the repercussions of the main accused, Nour Zuhair, leaving the country despite the decision to prevent him from traveling before his appearance from Lebanon on satellite channels and his threat to reveal prominent names involved in the case.

Hanoun revealed that Nour Zuhair was involved in stealing customs deposits worth more than a trillion dinars, demanding “holding a session in the presence of Judge Diaa Jaafar to reveal the full facts to the public.”

These repercussions have mixed things up and complicated the scene that expresses the extent of corruption in Iraq. Will those in charge of this file be able to end corruption or will they continue to revolve in its vortex by exchanging accusations?

On March 15, the head of the Integrity Commission revealed the fate of the defendants in the theft of the century case, while confirming that the main defendant, Nour Zuhair, and 30 others will be tried soon, indicating that Nour Zuhair’s case is currently with the judiciary to complete the lawsuit procedures and that the investigation court is working to complete some of the funds, and then go to the subject court to try them according to the law.

Al-Fatah Alliance leader Ali Al-Fatlawi criticized the way the head of the Integrity Commission appeared in his press conference yesterday, Wednesday, which is incorrect, even if the accusations are true, indicating that attacking two basic pyramids in the state, integrity and the judiciary, must be done in ways that are far from media defamation.

Al-Fatlawi told Al-Maalouma Agency, "The way the head of the Integrity Commission appeared yesterday, Wednesday, at the press conference was not appropriate for a person who stands at the top of the most important oversight institution."

He added that "hitting two fundamental pyramids in the state, integrity and the judiciary, must be done with a real stance and official evidence without resorting to the media," calling on "the government and parliament to take a serious stance and take real measures against any person."

For his part, MP Haider Al-Salami called for holding a public session to host the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun.

Al-Salami told Al-Maalouma Agency that the Integrity Commission is an important institution concerned with many files related to combating corruption and uncovering the threads of money theft operations. What its chairman, Haider Hanoun, raised yesterday in a press conference included important points related to pressures, the secrets of some files, interventions, and the pace of their completion.

He called on the Presidency of the House of Representatives to "hold a public session to host the Chairman of the Integrity Commission and the Corruption Court Judge to clarify the facts, noting that it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the encroachment on public funds and the plundering of the country's wealth."

He pointed out that "holding the session will provide more facts, stressing his rejection of mortgaging the country's wealth for narrow personal and partisan interests."

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the State of Law Coalition, MP Aqil Al-Fatlawi, confirmed today, Thursday, that a number of members of the House of Representatives will go to host the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, while he called for the formation of a committee to investigate what Hanoun had proposed.

Al-Fatlawi said in a statement followed by / Al-Maalouma /, "The meeting of the Coordination Framework discussed yesterday what was raised by the head of the Integrity Commission during the press conference he held in Erbil," indicating that "the Coordination Framework always stresses the necessity of respecting the decisions of the judiciary."

He added, "A number of members of the House of Representatives will go to host the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, calling for the formation of a committee to investigate what Hanoun proposed."

Yesterday, the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, appeared in a press conference in which he confirmed that he was subjected to pressure not to reveal corruption files, while he revealed corruption files. LINK

Mishaan Al-Jubouri: The Chairman Of The Integrity Commission Scored A Goal For The Corrupt

Politics | 05/09/2024 Mawazine News - Baghdad Politician Mishaan Al-Jubouri considered, on Thursday, that what the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, did in his press conference was to score a goal for the corrupt.

Al-Jubouri said, via the "X" platform: "I have always been in solidarity with the Integrity Commission and its head and supported them in their war on corruption, but I disagree and have reservations about the way Judge Haider Hanoun spoke at the press conference."

He added: "In my opinion, he scored a goal for the corrupt against the state team of which he is a part," adding: "Insulting the judiciary and questioning its men is a grave mistake." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=254474

Chairman Of The Integrity Commission: We Are Determined To Draw Up A Six-Year Strategy To Combat Corruption

Thursday,05-09-2024 The Chairman of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, confirmed today, Thursday, the determination to draw up a six-year strategy to combat corruption, while stressing the importance of adopting national strategies to combat this scourge within the preventive approach and the principle of participation in confronting corruption.

Hanoun said, during his speech at the ceremony announcing the first report on implementing the strategy to combat corruption in the public sector, held by the Kurdistan Integrity Commission in Erbil and reported by the Integrity Commission in a statement received by Noon News Agency, that "the national strategy for integrity and combating corruption includes economic, industrial, agricultural, scientific, humanitarian, military and health plans,"

stressing "the necessity of its efforts to preserve the country's wealth and needs and cover those needs, in addition to creating human energies from its citizens capable of leading the helm of affairs in the future."

Hanoun urged, "adopting mechanisms to raise the level of integrity in the performance of institutions and create a competitive environment among them on the one hand, and among their employees on the other hand; to determine the most honest institution and the institution that best provides services to citizens,"

noting that "the Federal Integrity Commission adopted such visions in launching the National Strategy for Integrity and Combating Corruption for the years (2021 - 2024), as well as the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq in launching the Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq for the years (2021 - 2025)."

He pointed out that "the Commission is in the process of preparing a new national strategy for integrity and combating corruption for the next six years (2023-2025), which relies in its preparation and implementation on cooperation with the three legislative, executive and judicial authorities, and with the Federal Board of Supreme Audit and the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq on the one hand, in addition to partnership with the private sector, civil society and investigative journalism."

He added, "The strategy, which is currently being prepared, will take a scientific approach using advanced technology in its implementation, and will seek to integrate influential categories of stakeholders such as women, youth, scientific and professional competencies, and give them distinguished roles in it;

with the aim of raising levels of integrity in the public and private sectors, helping institutions correct errors on their own, motivating them to make continuous improvements in their performance, accelerating the pace towards the digital transformation of good governance, and enhancing all of this with regional and international cooperation."

He pointed out that "the Federal Integrity Commission and the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq are determined to put the final touches on signing a joint coordination memorandum between them in implementation of the provisions of Articles (11 / Fourth) and (16 / Fourth) of the Integrity and Illicit Gains Commission Law No. (30) of 2011 (amended), and to coordinate efforts in the field of combating corruption within the Republic of Iraq,"

noting that "training workshops for the teams implementing the National Strategy for Integrity and Combating Corruption in the Commission, ministries and entities not affiliated with the Federal Ministry will soon be held at the headquarters of the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq in Erbil, and that these workshops will include the strategy implementation teams in the Kurdistan Region." https://non14.net/public/169914

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


▪️Ripple is upgrading the XRP Ledger (XRPL) with key advancements like the introduction of smart contracts and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) sidechain.

▪️Ripple CTO David Schwartz and XRPL Labs Director Wietse Wind have expressed differing views on adopting Layer 1 smart contracts.

Blockchain startup Ripple has recently undertaken the task of upgrading the XRP Ledger, the underlying blockchain technology that powers up Ripple’s global payments network.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


▪️Ripple is upgrading the XRP Ledger (XRPL) with key advancements like the introduction of smart contracts and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) sidechain.

▪️Ripple CTO David Schwartz and XRPL Labs Director Wietse Wind have expressed differing views on adopting Layer 1 smart contracts.

Blockchain startup Ripple has recently undertaken the task of upgrading the XRP Ledger, the underlying blockchain technology that powers up Ripple’s global payments network.

Earlier this week, Ripple shared that it’s upgrading its XRP Ledger to enhance its functionality by focusing on key advancements such as smart contracts introduction to the XRPL mainnet and thus boosting programmability through the upcoming EVM Sidechain, per the CNF report.

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinhousehas expressed optimism about the future of the XRP Ledger, stating that “The foundations of crypto infrastructure serving real-world use cases are steadily becoming more robust by the day.

The recentannouncements regarding the smart contracts and the EVM sidechain for the XRP Ledger come over and above the Automated Market Maker (AMM) functionality announced earlier this year.

Ripple Chief Technology Officer (CTO) David Schwartzexpressed his enthusiasm for the integration, whichaims to strengthen XRPL’s role in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) sector.

The introduction of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) will simplify token exchanges, improving transaction efficiency and enhancing the overall user experience.

These innovations will further boost XRPL’s appeal while attracting a wider user base and driving adoption and growth in the DeFi ecosystem as it continues to hit new milestones, per the CNF report.

The XRPL EVM Sidechain and XRPL Hooks

Revealed earlier this year in 2024,the EVM Sidechain will bridge the XRP Ledger along with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This would further pave the way for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage the strengths of both platforms.

The XRP EVM Sidechainbrings forth a compelling proposition whereindevelopers familiar with the EVM ecosystem can deploy their existing dApps on the XRP Ledger which will benefit from faster transaction speeds and lower fees.On the other hand, theXRP Ledger developers will gain access to a vast library of existing dApps along with the broader developer community.

Akey elementin XRPL’s evolution is the introduction of Hooks, a foundational technology that willallow seamless integration of smart contracts into XRPL’s mainnet. Ripple said it willfocus on making these smart contracts permissionless, enabling anyone to deploy them while ensuring they are accessible to developers of all skill levels.

Moreover,the platform will offer extensive customization options, allowing developers to tailor smart contracts to meet specific requirements.

XRPL Labs Director Wietse Windexpressedmixed emotions about the recent adoption of Layer 1 (L1) smart contractsfollowing years of dedicated effort by XRPL Labs. Wind shares hisdisappointment in discovering Ripple’s change in stance through indirect sources rather than direct communication, per the CNF report.

This sentiment comesin contrast to earlier remarks by Ripple CTO David Schwartz at XRP Ledger Apex, where the mainnet was described as a “fixed function ledger” not designed for smart contracts.

@ Newshounds News™

Source:Crypto News Flash



▪️Cardano successfully implemented the Chang hard fork, initiating the Conway era.

▪️ADA holders voiced concerns about governance and reward system changes.

▪️Hoskinson clarified the new governance options for withdrawing staking rewards.

Cardano successfully implemented the Chang hard fork, initiating the Conway era.This step represents significant progress towards full decentralization. ]

This milestone includedthe implementation of the CIP-1694 governance model,allowing ADA holders to actively vote on network decisions. According to the network’s blog post, this significant milestonerealizes the vision of a fully autonomous and decentralized network.”

Changes in Governance and Reward System

However, following the Chang hard fork,ADA holders began to worry about changes in governance and reward systems. Cardano’s founder Charles Hoskinson responded to these growing concerns.

“To withdraw staking rewards from the network, a user must choose one of three options: not voting, abstaining, or delegating to a DRep.”

Linda, as a stake pool operator of MALU Pool,first voiced these concerns in an X post, stating: “After the next hard fork, you will likely need to delegate to a DRep to continue withdrawing your staking rewards. (This is not confirmed yet, but it seems very likely.)” This statement led to intense discussions within the Cardano community about how governance changes would affect staking rewards.

Hoskinson’s Explanations

In response to Linda,Hoskinson detailed that ADA holders must choose one of three options to withdraw staking rewards: “not voting, abstaining, or delegating to a DRep.”

Hoskinson suggested, “If a user only chooses delegation, wallets like Lace will automatically select abstaining to simplify the user experience.”

An X userasked if abstaining meant selecting the abstaining delegation option.Hoskinson clarified thatabstaining is an active choice, noting that ADA holders had confused abstaining with doing nothing. However, Hoskinson stated, “It is an action, which is why I clarified my tweet.”

Concerns in the New Governance System

Following the implementation of the Chang hard fork, there are growing concerns about the new governance system, particularly the potential for misuse or mismanagement of the roles of DReps.A userexpressed their concerns, saying: “I choose to abstain. I don’t want to see little girl and boy influencer DReps zeroing out the treasury in this experiment.”

That’s why this option is there. You can even vote no confidence in the entire system.”

Hoskinson reassured the concerned community by emphasizing the flexibility brought by the new governance system. According to Hoskinson,the new governance system allows users to express their views.

Currently,ADA holders hold the key to the network. They can participate in voting or delegate their governance rights to DReps. Stake Pool Operators like Linda continue to participate in the governance process while maintaining the network’s infrastructure.

At the time of writing, ADA is trading at $0.3253, experiencing a 1.63% decrease in the last 24 hours.

@ Newshounds News™

Source:CoinTurk News



Binance is just one step away from becoming the first fully regulated crypto exchange in kazakhstan.It has achieved a major milestone by securing formal consent from the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA).

This is a major development for the company and reflects its unwavering commitment to regulatory compliance and security in the crypto industry.

The Journey of Collaboration and Education

Binance did not get this achievement overnight. This is the culmination of a two year journey of collaboration and development. The company has been working closely with Kazakhstan’s government organizations to advance blockchain education and adoption.

Binance partnered with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, Aerospace industry and the Ministry of Education.

This partnership resulted in launching a large-scale blockchain education initiative. The motive of this program is to educate 40 thousand people in Kazakhstan by 2026. This will solidify the country’s position as a leader in digital technologies.

Binance had made huge efforts for this partnership. In May 2022, the former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao had a meeting with the president of Kazakhstan, Kassy-Jomart Tokayev. Their discussion regarding blockchain and crypto education became the foundation of Binance’s deep engagement in the country.

From Initial License to Fully Regulatory Consent

In October 2022, AFSA granted Binance a permanent license to operate a digital asset platform. It also allowed the exchange to provide custody services at Astana International Financial Center (AIFC). This was an initial license , a testament to Binance’s robust compliance and security controls.

This allowed the platform to offer exchange and conversion services, fiat currency deposits and withdrawals along with custody of crypto assets. In 2023, Binance launched its local digital asset platform. Government officials, representatives from the banking industry and many other prominent people joined the launch.

The Road Ahead : A fully Regulated Exchange

Binance is poised to significantly expand its operations in Kazakhstan with the recent consent from AFSA. Once the full license is won, the platform will be fully authorized to operate as a cryptocurrency trading facility. This will enable the company to better serve the local digital assets ecosystem and set a new standard of crypto trading in the country.

The Journey of Binance in Kazakhstan, from education initiative to regulatory achievements, underscores its commitment to foster innovation, trust and growth in this dynamic market.

@ Newshounds News™




@ Newshounds News™

Source:Currency Facts



@ Newshounds News™

Source:Currency Facts


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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-5-24

Technical difficulties with Bruce's Recorded Call Transcription - Please clink on the link below and listen to all or partial recording - Bruce's intel segment begins at the 1:02:02 time frame - thank you

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-5-24

Technical difficulties with Bruce's Recorded Call Transcription - Please clink on the link below and listen to all or partial recording - Bruce's intel segment begins at the 1:02:02 time frame - thank you

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:02


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MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another Friday…….again

​​Member: Good Friday morning @MarkZ, mods, family and friends. Seems like a good weekend for an RV!

Member: I don’t know about any of you but I’m tired of “it’s going to be this day or that” just drop the ball and run with it already!

MZ: Actually some lovely news came overnight last night….Will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another Friday…….again

​​Member: Good Friday morning @MarkZ, mods, family and friends. Seems like a good weekend for an RV!

Member: I don’t know about any of you but I’m tired of “it’s going to be this day or that” just drop the ball and run with it already!

MZ: Actually some lovely news came overnight last night….Will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling

MZ: Some Nesara contacts that I have not heard from in quite awhile have suddenly come alive….Not just my contacts…but others as well……and they are suddenly very excited……they say Nesara could happen as early as mid month……They believe this is it!!!

Member: WOW- Debt forgiveness, end of income taxes…and all the rest would be a wonderful thing this month.

Member: we're supposed to be returning to the 1776 Constitution

MZ: Crossing my fingers and hopin it is accurate. But hearing a lot of chatter that makes me feel good.

MZ: Redemption contacts do not think they have to work this weekend though. They are still a little salty about being on call last weekend and them messing with vacations ect…..

MZ: Iraq was quiet overnight…but there was lots of news over the last 2 days.

Member: Today is a holy day in the middle east…..They are usually quieter on Fridays.

Member: What happens if Nesara goes first?

MZ: This is my opinion……I have been told that the first thing to happen with Nesara is a formal cancellation of fractionalized institutional debt. Then I expect it will go on from there with the rest.

Member: Really looking forward to the debt forgiveness, new elections, med beds and new technologies being released. And no more income taxes for sure.

Member: My Credit Union is down for maintenance this week.

Member: I wonder who or what group actually decides it is go time??? Chinese elders or leaders of BRICS??

Member: Will they release the RV on weekends or week days?

MZ: I am told its easier to release it on a weekend- Saturday night to Sunday morning …but anytime is fair game.

Member: What is your gut feeling for RV Mark?

MZ: You guys will give me hell whether it’s right or wrong….nobody knows the timing…….but my gut feeling is between the 11th and 15th……just a guess……

Member: where do we find out where the redemption center is going to be?

Member: When we call and make appointments….they will tell us where to go based on zip codes…..is what we have been told.

Member: Yes…when it happens there will be an 800# you will call to set your appointment. They will tell you where to go. Mark will tell us the 800# when it happens.

Member: If we knew where the redemption centers are before the RV, they would be flooded with idiots hanging out there

MZ: They will not tell you where to go ahead of time for security reasons. They want to keep it as private as they can. But I was told 90% of Americans will have an exchange location within 50 miles of their house….If you are in remote rural areas ….you may have further to go…..not sure about other countries.

Member: No matter how far it is…..I am up for an RV roadtrip!!!!

​​ Member: Are we going to banks or redemption centers?

MZ: They are the same things…..The redeeming banks/redemption centers…are bank locations with trained staff and equipment to handle our exchanges.

Member: Redemption centers are banks but not all banks are redemption centers

Member: It had better have a secure parking garage, or guard shack into a closed off parking area. I’m more than a little concerned of walking around carrying my stuff.

MZ: “BRICS new digital payment system starts September 1st” This one dropped in August but it is very important. USD will no longer be used. BRICS Faster payment system SBP allows individuals to make faster interbank payments using a phone number and will operate 24/7 365 days a year. Transfer fees are low or zero.

MZ: What does this mean? It means they are working around the SWIFT system . There is now a functional, operable, usable alternative system where things can move forward whether the west, the US, the Treasury , The European banks pitch a fit or not……This was a necessary step to force things to a conclusion. This will move money quickly around the world…..and this story is huge.

Member: Reminder that the US new fiscal year starts Oct. 1st.

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..Have a wonderful weekend everyone….God Bless

Member: Hope everyone has a great day today. Let's see if today brings anything more than just rumors.


CBD Guru’s join the stream at the end today. Please listen to the replay for their information


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lwoa-7oguA

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Government Advisor: The Discussions Between The Iraqi Central Bank And The US Federal Reserve Achieved Advanced Results

Economy 4-09-2024 Baghdad - INA - Amna Al-Salami Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the

renewed understanding with theUS Federal Reservewill allow themonetary authority to restoreaninternal banking market, while he indicated that the

results of the discussions between the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are good andconsistent with business rules, and pointed out that

it will allow the implementation of aprecise path between...Iraqiand international banks. Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

Government Advisor: The Discussions Between The Iraqi Central Bank And The US Federal Reserve Achieved Advanced Results

Economy 4-09-2024 Baghdad - INA - Amna Al-Salami Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the

renewed understanding with theUS Federal Reservewill allow themonetary authority to restoreaninternal banking market, while he indicated that the

results of the discussions between the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are good andconsistent with business rules, and pointed out that

it will allow the implementation of aprecise path between...Iraqiand international banks. Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

“We notice from the statement of theCentral Bank of Iraqthatthere isoptimismabout theresultsof his delegation’s discussions with theFederal Reservein the United States of Americain particularand consultations with the parties of the main banking system in the United States, specifically(thelarge international banks concerned with banking operations).international cross-market), and that

an advanced model of understandings has been achieved at this stage.” He added,

"This came todocumentthe path of steps and banking mechanisms adopted inexternal transfer, especially related to

financing foreign trade for the benefit of the Iraqi market, and to
ensure a degree of streamlines andhigh flexibilityin the scope ofexternal transfer operationsand

through theactive rolethat will be played byglobal correspondent banking entitiesthat have high standardsin terms ofstrong compliance."DisclosureandGovernance. He added,

"Suchcorrespondent banking entitiesaround the world will undoubtedly be a counterpart to the 13 private commercial banks referred to in the statement of discussions issued by the Central Bank of Iraq, which dealt with the results of the discussions between the monetary authorities of both Iraq and the United States of America." He stressed,

"This matter will allow the implementation of a clear and precise path in accelerating payments and settlements betweenIraqi banksandglobal correspondent banks, as well as the final beneficiary in thetrade financing cycle in the international trade and exchangeareas that Iraq deals with bypayingindifferent reserve currencies," noting that

"In addition to thedollaras apayment and settlement currency, other global currencies such astheeuro, theBritish pound, and theChinese yuanwill take over the task, as well as important stable currencies such as theEmirati dirhamand theIndian rupee, and the

basis of this coordinationwith the monetary authorities in the United States comes from the source of thecountry’s basic reservesbefore going. To diversify into other international currenciesis theUnited States dollaritself,verified from oil receipts deposited in thepetrodollarcurrencyat theFederal Reserve Bank.”

He stated, “Based on the above, such a renewed understanding, in accordance with the road map,will provide themonetary authorityin our country with a clearly defined andhighly flexible planto rebuild the internal banking marketandon solid reform foundationsthat areconsistent with the standard work rules adopted ininternational banking, especially in the issue ofBuilding external banking relationshipsandsafely moving funds across the global financial and banking systems.”


An Economist Talks About New Measures After Stopping Transfers

economy | 09/03/2024 Mawazine News _ Baghdad Economic expert Osama Al-Tamimi said: “Thestatements and interviews conducted by theGovernor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, in New York over a period of three days withUS Treasuryofficials gave a new impetus and confidence to the Iraqi banking system.”

According to his speech to Mawazine News Agency,Al-Tamimi described theadvanced steps to join the global banking systemin terms ofexpanding experience and international banking relations, which will increase knowledge in control procedures for foreign transfers and direct sales of thedollar. The economic expert explained:

“This will lead to the development of systems in line with international and local standards and the development of a system for covering foreign trade and protecting the banking and financial sector from money laundering and terrorist financing operations.” He went on to say:

“TheCentral Bank of Iraqwill stop dealings in the future with foreign correspondent banks and reduce reliance on them, after developing the network of Iraqi banking relationships, gaining the necessary experience, reducing commissions generated as a result of external coverage transactions, and terminating the work.”

Gradually using the electronic platform for transfers and replacing them withdirect banking relationships between Iraqi banks and thenetworkofinternational correspondent banks, as well asachievingstabilityin the exchange rate in the local market.

Specialists: Governance And Transparency Are “Important Axes” For Activating Banking Performance

Economical 09/04/2024 Baghdad: Hussein Thaghab Economic specialists believe thatgovernance and transparency are important axes for activating banking performancein the country. Islamic banking expert Sadiq Al-Shammari said on the sidelines of a session of theGeneral Council of Islamic Banks and Institutions, attended by Al-Sabah:

Theimportanceofgovernanceas a modern means aims topreserve the financial system.

We stop at governance in Islamic banks, its importance, its mechanisms, and the guiding principles issued by theGeneral Council of Banks and Financial Institutions. Al-Shammari added to “Al-Sabah” that

“thefinancial technology revolutionand

thegreat development in digital transformation, such as the
spread of electronic payments,
artificial intelligence, and
data analysis,

have contributed to facilitating the provision of financial services directly by financial technology institutions,”

noting the importance of “banks working to adapt themselves.” With the rapid digital changes, changing work methodology, and creating flexible solutions to serve its customers more effectively.”

He called for "adopting a number of initiatives and activities that contribute to the growth and development of Islamic banks and financial institutions, for example the growing interest in cybersecurity and major risks."

He pointed to the necessity of issuing theIslamic Economic Encyclopedia, which includes all the Sharia provisions that Islamic banks need to be a reference for fatwa and Sharia oversight bodies in strengthening governance in Islamic banks, as well as conducting more studies and research on governance, especially in the Islamic sector, to deepen its understanding and importance, especially with regard to The role of members of Sharia supervisory boards in enhancing governance in Islamic banks.

He stated that theimportanceofgovernanceis clear from itsobjectives, which are to

achieve transparency and
justice and
grant the right to hold the managements of banks and financial institutions accountable, thus
achieving protection for all shareholders and shareholders,
taking into account the interests of business and workers, and
limiting the exploitation of power for purposes other than the public interest, leading to the
development of investments and savings,
maximizing shareholders’ profits, and
achieving Sustainable development for the development of society, and

the presence of an effective system capable of providing trust and combating corruption in Islamic financial institutions, including Islamic banks, will bring them greater success and support the expansion of their operational operations, although

this requires supporting what the departments related to governance within financial institutions do.

In turn, Islamic banking expert Mohamed El-Beltagy pointed out the importance of adhering to Sharia controls, the nature of the relationship with depositors, and

the multiple financing formulas that are part of the focus of Islamic banking and have become the focus of attention of a wide segment of the world’s societies, leading to the application of the rule of sharing in profits and losses and correcting the money document.

Al-Beltagy warned that governance and transparency are important axes in solidifying the performance of the banking system of any country, enhances the development of work joints, and leads to achieving goals according to what was planned. https://alsabaah.iq/102145-.html

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


A New DeFi Opportunity for Bitcoin Holders

Core Blockchain has introduced a new liquid staking token, $LstBTC, that promises to revolutionize how Bitcoin holders engage with decentralized finance (DeFi).

This innovation allows users to stake their Bitcoin (BTC) without having to lock it up, offering them the ability to earn rewards while maintaining liquidity. With this launch, Core Blockchain aims to bridge the gap between Bitcoin and DeFi, enhancing BTC’s utility within this rapidly growing sector.

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


A New DeFi Opportunity for Bitcoin Holders

Core Blockchain has introduced a new liquid staking token, $LstBTC, that promises to revolutionize how Bitcoin holders engage with decentralized finance (DeFi).

This innovation allows users to stake their Bitcoin (BTC) without having to lock it up, offering them the ability to earn rewards while maintaining liquidity. With this launch, Core Blockchain aims to bridge the gap between Bitcoin and DeFi, enhancing BTC’s utility within this rapidly growing sector.

Liquid Staking for Bitcoin: Expanding DeFi Access

The $LstBTC token is pegged 1:1 to Bitcoin, meaning each token represents an equal amount of BTC. What sets it apart is its liquid staking feature, which resolves a longstanding issue for Bitcoin holders. Typically, staking assets like BTC requires locking them up in exchange for rewards, limiting their use in other applications.

However, with $LstBTC, users can stake their Bitcoin and still keep it liquid, making it available for DeFi use. This dual benefit is expected to enhance Bitcoin’s role in the DeFi ecosystem, a space where the cryptocurrency has traditionally been underrepresented.

Core Blockchain believes that $LstBTC provides a new avenue for Bitcoin holders who want to earn rewards without sacrificing the flexibility of their assets.

The token’s innovative design allows users to participate in DeFi protocols, such as lending, borrowing, and yield farming, without the usual restrictions imposed by traditional staking mechanisms.

Daily Rewards in $CORE Tokens

One of the key incentives of $LstBTC is that it offers daily rewards to its users in $CORE, the native token of Core Blockchain. This feature makes staking more appealing to Bitcoin holders, who can now earn a steady stream of $CORE tokens while their BTC remains accessible for DeFi activities.

The daily reward structure provides an additional layer of utility, attracting users who want to maximize their returns without losing access to their Bitcoin.

Core Blockchain envisions $LstBTC as a tool that will drive greater adoption of its ecosystem.By integrating liquid staking with Bitcoin, the platform anticipates attracting both existing users and newcomers who are looking for more flexible ways to utilize their digital assets. This strategic move aligns with Core’s broader goal of expanding its user base and increasing participation in DeFi.

Boosting DeFi Adoption Through Security and Growth
Another critical aspect of $LstBTC is its focus on security. The token is managed through a multi-signature (multi-sig) setup, which involves multiple entities participating in its management. This added layer of protection ensures that the token is secure and resistant to single points of failure.

Multi-sig setups are commonly used in the blockchain space to enhance security by requiring multiple approvals for any transaction, thus safeguarding the asset from potential misuse or theft.

Rich Rines, an early contributor to the Core DAO,highlighted that while Bitcoin dominates the cryptocurrency market, its integration into DeFi has been limited.

He believes that $LstBTC could be a game-changer in this regard. By making Bitcoin more accessible and usable in DeFi, Core Blockchain aims to unlock the potential of BTC in a sector where it has traditionally had a minimal presence.

The liquid staking solution not only benefits individual users but also aims to attract developers to build new products on Core’s platform. By providing a secure and flexible tool for staking Bitcoin, the company hopes to encourage the creation of additional liquid staking products, further expanding the ecosystem’s capabilities.

Driving Ecosystem Growth and Adoption
Core Blockchain anticipates that $LstBTC will attract a wider audience, from experienced Bitcoin holders to developers eager to build on the platform. The token’s unique combination of liquidity, staking rewards, and security is designed to appeal to a broad range of users, driving growth and innovation within the ecosystem.

The company expects thatas more people adopt $LstBTC, the Core platform will see a surge in development activity. New liquid staking products,DeFi applications, and tools built around $LstBTC could significantly enhance the platform’s offerings. The growth in adoption could, in turn, attract more developers to the ecosystem, creating a positive feedback loop that fuels further expansion.

Core’s vision for $LstBTC is not limited to short-term gains.The company aims to position itself as a key player in the DeFi space by providing innovative solutions that address some of the industry’s most pressing challenges, such as asset liquidity and security.

By creating a product that combines these elements, Core Blockchain is paving the way for Bitcoin to play a more significant role in the future of decentralized finance.

In conclusion, the launch of $LstBTC represents a major step forward for both Core Blockchain and the broader DeFi space.By offering Bitcoin holders a way to stake their assets without locking them up, Core is addressing a key pain point for users and unlocking new opportunities for growth.

The added security of a multi-sig setup and the potential for ecosystem expansion make $LstBTC a compelling proposition for those looking to engage with DeFi while retaining the flexibility of their Bitcoin holdings.

@ Newshounds News™




▪️DEPIN integrates physical assets with blockchain technology.

▪️It has significant potential in energy and smart city projects.

▪️Widespread adoption may take time due to early-stage development.

In the world of cryptocurrencies, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DEPIN) are emerging as a new application area. This new technology is expected to create a significant shift in the crypto ecosystem. DEPIN aims to enable decentralized applications (dApps) to integrate more with the physical world.

What is DEPIN?

Decentralized physical infrastructure networks allow users to manage physical assets using blockchain technology. This includes controlling sensors, distributed energy sources, and other physical devices via blockchain. DEPIN is noted to have significant potential, particularly in the energy sector and smart city projects.

Revolution in the Energy Sector

The use of DEPIN in the energy sector can enable more efficient management of distributed energy resources. Users can optimize their energy consumption by managing individual energy sources like solar panels through blockchain. This can lead to reduced costs and more equitable energy distribution.

Smart City Applications

In smart city projects, DEPIN technology can enable more efficient and sustainable management of city infrastructure. For example, DEPIN can be considered for areas such as traffic management, waste collection, and water resource management. This technology is expected to reduce infrastructure costs while improving service quality in cities.

MV Capital argues that DEPIN will be the next major application area for cryptocurrency. The company states that this technology holds great potential for the future and can create a revolution in many sectors.

DEPIN will enable decentralized applications to integrate more with the physical world.” – MV Capital

DEPIN, along with decentralized finance (DeFi) and other blockchain-based applications, can create a new wave in the crypto ecosystem. The adoption of this technology can enable cryptocurrencies to be used more widely in real-world applications.

DEPIN stands out as an innovation that integrates crypto technology not only with digital financial transactions but also with the physical world. This technology is considered for a wide range of uses, from energy management to city infrastructure.

There is a general consensus that DEPIN technology holds great potential in the energy sector and smart city projects. However, some sources emphasize that the technology is still in its early stages and that widespread adoption may take time.

While there is agreement on DEPIN’s potential, it is noted that more development is needed for the technology to mature. Discussions on this topic show that there are different views on what the future impact of DEPIN will be

@ Newshounds News™

Source:Cointurk News



The country intends to lower taxes on crypto to a flat rate of 20% – in line with taxes that currently apply to traditional assets such as stocks.

Japan's financial regulator, the Financial Services Agency (FSA), has proposed a significant overhaul of the country's tax code for fiscal year 2025. A key component of this reform is a potential reduction in the tax rate for cryptocurrency assets.

In a recent request submitted to the government, the FSA advocated for treating cryptocurrencies as traditional financial assets, aligning them with publicly traded investments. This move could pave the way for a more favorable tax environment for crypto holders in Japan.

Regarding the tax treatment of cryptocurrency transactions, cryptocurrency should be treated as a financial asset that should be an investment target for the public,” the FSA said.

The FSA's proposal aligns with the growing sentiment among crypto advocates in Japan, who have been petitioning the government to reform the tax on cryptocurrencies, saying thathigh tax rates on crypto profits are "hindering" the ability to save and invest.

Currently,crypto profits in Japan are subject to a miscellaneous income tax rate ranging from 15% to 55%. The highest rate applies to earnings exceeding 200,000 Japanese yen ($1,377). This compares unfavorably to the 20% maximum tax rate on profits from stock trading.

For corporate entities, the tax burden on unrealized crypto gains is even more substantial, with a flat 30% rate applied at the end of each financial year, regardless of whether a profit has been realized through a sale.

At the WebX Conference held in Tokyo last week,Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Takeru Saitosaidhe would help the industry create more use cases by implementing tax reforms to support the development of start-ups, local media reported.

While the FSA's proposal represents a positive step towards a more crypto-friendly tax environment in Japan, the ultimate outcome will depend on the deliberations of the tax system research committee and the country's national legislature.

If approved by both houses of the Japanese government, the proposed tax reforms could significantly impact the nation's crypto industry.

@ Newshounds News™



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 6 Sept. 2024

Compiled Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

The Storm is Upon Us
Worldwide Financial Collapse
Global Currency Reset Release, Along With NESARA/GESARA Funds

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 6 Sept. 2024

Compiled Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

The Storm is Upon Us
Worldwide Financial Collapse
Global Currency Reset Release, Along With NESARA/GESARA Funds

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Note: Friday 6 Sept. 2024 activation of the new Global Quantum Financial BRICS payment system was expected and if so, will drive a final nail into the D********e C***l Globalist’s Coffin. Their total reliance on the U****c. fiat dollar that had nothing to back it, meant the Globalists would be officially broke, while the World would function on gold/asset-backed currencies of Sovereign Nations that traded at a 1:1 with each other.

Right now and Worldwide, Customer Service Only Banks and financial institutions were connecting to the Quantum Financial System grid – a fortress of security, with quantum-level encryption that no hacker or rogue state could penetrate.

The C***l no longer would hold control over the Global Financial System, no longer could hold The People hostage in debt. Once a BRICS Nation Blockchain Payment was made by an individual on the new system in an account only they had access to, it would create a totally transparent online digital footprint that was fast, secure, couldn’t be deleted, while removing any element of possible corruption.

Gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System, NESARA/GESARA appears to be live for the greatest transfer of wealth in history


(Note:Just because there is a “Big Name” attached to intel- does not mean that is really the real person-There is a lot of “fake” information everywhere….Use discernment and consider everything a rumor until we are actually at the banks)

Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 URGENT UPDATE! The Financial System’s Collapse is Imminent—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Are Set to Launch! …Julian Assange on Telegram https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki/2188

The Storm is upon us, and the truth is breaking through faster than they can cover it up. High-level insiders are confirming that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are not just rumors—they’re ready to roll out!

Politicians in the know are leaking critical details, whether by accident or design, preparing us for the seismic shifts ahead. This is a coordinated effort, folks—those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer drops are making their moves now.

The signals are clear, the signs are everywhere. These leaks aren’t just chatter—they’re warnings. The QFS is on its way, the EBS is about to be activated, and NESARA is set to transform our world. The old corruptt system is crumbling, and the new one is rising from the ashes.


Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: “The RV is imminent. Just stay put. It is coming.”

Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Bruce: “The Dinar is trading on the Forex, but the rate is not exchanging yet. My sources say R&R payments will be paid the first ten days of September. The amounts will be shown in our new accounts on the Quantum Financial System when we go in to redeem. Bond Holders can already see their money in their accounts, but they do not have access to it yet. My sources say that the days of Sept. 6, 7 and 8 will be important dates for us.


Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 The Quantum Financial System (QFS), Ben Fulford:

This is the Great Financial Shift leading to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”

All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country. This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other major asset that the country has.

Only two crypto currencies will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM!

All others, not backed by assets, will disappear by the end of 2024.

Quantum software and computers make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.

All banking transactions will eventually be conducted in QFS.

Banks as we know them will change dramatically.

QFS will hold all money in “Digital Form”, although it will still be asset-backed.

All money transfers (moves) will contain at least 50 movement records, which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main surface server farms.

All cash movements are kept in permanent records. So there is NO f***d or criminal activity that cannot be traced.

All people will have a “digital wallet” account with QFS rather than with a bank.

This digital wallet is 100% secure.

You can use your “Debit Card” directly from this account.

You can transfer money with 100% security to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world.

We will receive “Q” phones (Quantum Phones) and “Q” computers to ensure 100% security worldwide.

Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Breaking News: Launch of New Gold-Backed Economy!

Now, a new era is dawning—one backed by gold, digital assets, and the revolutionary Quantum Financial System (QFS). As the d********e’s grip loosens, NESARA GESARA emerges as the beacon of financial freedom, tearing apart the globalist chains that have enslaved humanity for generations. The stage is set for a global economic shift that will return wealth and power back to the people.

We are standing on the edge of a new era. Under Trump’s leadership, with the support of GESARA and the QFS, we will see the rise of a golden age—an age of prosperity, transparency, and liberty. Be vigilant, stay informed, and above all, be ready. This is our time, and freedom is coming.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/09/06/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-september-6-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq reveals the mechanism for ending the electronic platform" Quote: "During the year 2024 and until now, 95% of the transfer process from the electronic platform to the correspondent banking mechanism directly between it and Iraqi banks has been achieved, which means that only about 5% of it remains...which will be transferred...before the end of this year..." We should all be very clear about what is transpiring before our eyes with Iraq's reforms...We are seeing the end results with a mere 5% left to complete...So they already achieved what they were working on in the past. They are ready for completion to the best of my understanding now. Not later. Wow!

Frank26 Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency" This is what's happening right now. This is called diversion tactics...slight of hand. This was done with China and it was done with Kuwait...This is part of the monetary reform. To put out disinformation that is a deterrent, maybe, that is putting speculators at bay.

Inflation goes down again

Nader: 9-5-2024


What happened in the meeting Iraq and the treasury?

Nader: 9-5-2024


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Oman extend additional voluntary output cuts

The OPEC+ countries have agreed to extend their additional voluntary production cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day for two months until the end of November 2024.

This came as these countries that previously announced additional voluntary cuts in April and November 2023, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, and Oman, held a virtual meeting on 5th September, 2024, during which the eight member countries emphasised their collective resolve to ensure full compliance with the voluntary production adjustments.


Tishwash: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Oman extend additional voluntary output cuts

The OPEC+ countries have agreed to extend their additional voluntary production cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day for two months until the end of November 2024.

This came as these countries that previously announced additional voluntary cuts in April and November 2023, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, and Oman, held a virtual meeting on 5th September, 2024, during which the eight member countries emphasised their collective resolve to ensure full compliance with the voluntary production adjustments.

In recognition of this strengthened resolve and renewed firm commitment, the eight participating countries have agreed to extend their additional voluntary production cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day for two months until the end of November 2024, after which these cuts will be gradually phased out on a monthly basis starting 1st December, 2024, with the flexibility to pause or reverse the adjustments as necessary.

The overproducing countries also reconfirmed their commitment that the entire overproduced volume will be fully compensated for by September 2025.

In August 2024, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Algeria, and Oman, conducted two ministerial discussions with Iraq and Kazakhstan. Both countries were urged to achieve full conformity and compensate for the overproduced volumes since January 2024. Iraq and Kazakhstan committed to engage with secondary sources to outline their plans for production adjustments to achieve compliance and meet the compensation schedules they submitted to the OPEC Secretariat on 22nd August.

The group includes Iraq and Kazakhstan, who have overproduced since January 2024, but have strongly reaffirmed their commitment to the agreement and to their compensation schedules submitted to the OPEC Secretariat as agreed under the 53rd meeting of the JMMC on 3rd April 2024.

Iraq and Kazakhstan reinforced their commitment during the OPEC Secretary General’s visits in late August, conducted in coordination with Saudi Arabia's Minister of Energy and the Chairman of the OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meetings. During those visits, the OPEC Secretariat organised workshops with the secondary sources where both countries provided extensive details on the immediate and concrete measures they are implementing to achieve full conformity with the required production levels and to meet their compensation schedules for August and for September. These measures included advancing field maintenance plans and reducing production alongside with delaying and canceling spot sales for the month of August. Moreover, the countries committed to adjust compensation plans for any over produced volumes in August. link


Tishwash: Iraqi Ambassador to Egypt Calls on Arab Companies to Invest in Iraq

Iraqi Ambassador to Egypt Qahtaan Taha Khalaf announced on Thursday Iraq's support for Egypt in the face of the Zionist campaign to disrupt the Palestinian cause, while calling on Arab companies to invest in Iraq.

Khalaf said, in the opening session of the 114th session of the Economic and Social Council, which was followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the Republic of Iraq supports the Arab Republic of Egypt in what it is exposed to in terms of fabricated Zionist accusations, campaigns and plans in an attempt to disrupt the Palestinian cause."

He added that "the Iraqi government welcomes hosting the 34th regular Arab Summit in Baghdad in 2025," noting that "this grand celebration that the Arab nation is looking forward to, we are trying to come up with decisions that rise to the level of the current challenges, in order for the summit to constitute a qualitative leap in the field of joint Arab action."

He pointed out that "the delegates supporting the Republic of Iraq communicated with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States to set a date for the meeting of the third team concerned with developing economic and social work headed by Iraq," noting that "the meeting did not take place due to emergency circ*mstances, the last of which was setting August 26 and a memorandum was circulated in this regard, but the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to Egypt prevented the meeting from being held."

He explained that "Iraq's policy is focused on economic openness, building a broad network of economic relations and attracting investments, and from these starting points, the Iraqi government has developed an ambitious program to develop all sectors, enhance and improve services and simplify procedures."

He added that "the companies that have been present in Iraq for years include Turkish, Iranian and Chinese companies, and we find Arab companies from Egypt, neighboring countries and other Arab countries alongside them," calling on Arab countries to "participate in rebuilding Iraq and exploiting the available opportunities in restoring infrastructure in Iraq."

He thanked "the United Arab Emirates for presenting a study of the work of this council and the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and the employees for their efforts to prepare for this meeting and provide full support to reach the best results for the advancement of joint Arab action." link


Tishwash: Iraq's gateway to the world.. All eyes are on the launch of the FAO and corruption is the biggest "risk"

Iraq is preparing to announce the imminent launch of the Grand Faw Port, one of the largest strategic projects in the country, despite the major challenges that this project has faced since its inception.

Faw Port is an important commercial gateway linking Iraq to the outside world and reducing dependence on the ports of neighboring countries.

The project has faced many obstacles, including financing, political tensions, and logistical challenges. However, official authorities confirm that the project has overcome most of these obstacles, and that the official launch of the port is imminent, which raises hopes of boosting trade and investment in Iraq.

Jamal Al-Halbousi, an expert in maritime border demarcation, says, “The news coming from the port of Al-Faw is good and joyful, especially since the work rate on the project now reaches 98 percent, according to the Daewoo company implementing the port, which is equipped with five docks. Work is now underway to complete the fifth dock, which is 1,750 meters long.”

He added, "More important than these docks is the navigation channel leading to them, as work is being done on it at the agreed capacity so that it can accommodate large ships and navigation is at a very high economic level, meaning that the depth of the navigation channel should not be less than 19.8 metres, and so far it has reached 12 metres or a little more."

He points out that “many aspects have been completed, such as the roads, most of which have been completed, as well as the bridges, the submerged tunnel, and the container yard,” noting that “there are five other projects that complement the port and these must be carried out, and according to the Ministry of Transport, the percentage of completion in them exceeds the timeframes set for them, but until now we need to test them, as within 20 days water must be pumped into the submerged tunnel for the test.”

Al-Halbousi hopes for the “success of the Faw Port project, because that would close all doors to competing ports in the region. Therefore, the five docks must be coordinated and interconnected, and the work must be in one chain. There must be a gradual completion, and there must be an appropriate mechanism for the work and the idea of ​​transporting and transferring goods.”

Regarding the obstacles, he confirms that “corruption is the biggest obstacle facing the port of Faw, so there must be efficient management, and unfortunately Iraq lacks it so far. If the same administrative work in other Basra ports, such as Khor Al-Zubair and others, is reflected in the port of Faw, it will be a disaster for the new port. However, if it is managed by expert companies, the port is a historic opportunity for Iraq to revive the economy.”

He added, "The port will start operating with five docks, and their success in operation will give Iraq an opportunity to develop and increase the docks because Umm Qasr Port operates with 29 docks, and what is planned for the Grand Faw Port is to contain a greater number of docks than what is present in Umm Qasr Port."

For his part, economic expert, Ziad Al-Hashemi, explains that “the port of Faw holds great strategic importance for the growing Iraqi economy, in which the rate of imports increases annually.”

He added, "The Faw Port, with its five berths, will be able to provide modern services and operations that facilitate the speed and smoothness of handling containers entering and leaving the port, which will enhance commercial movement and the availability of goods required within the Iraqi markets."

Al-Hashemi confirms that “the project may face some challenges related to the contracting process with port operating companies, managing the docks, and the movement and operations of the port, in addition to the fact that the failure to complete the development road paths may cause a limitation in linking the port facilities with the land paths towards the Iraqi governorates, which creates a bottleneck that causes delays in the flow of goods.”

He explained that "there are potential security and political challenges for parties that may want to exploit the port to obtain illegal financial gains and resources. The port may also face a decrease in demand for its cross-border trade services to and from Turkey and neighboring countries, due to the fragile security and political stability, which may lead to an increase in the costs of transit and insurance for containers passing through Iraq to and from the port for the benefit of other countries."

The Faw Port was supposed to have 99 berths and be the largest port in West Asia, surpassing the Jebel Ali Port in the United Arab Emirates. The port adds strategic importance to Iraq and generates huge financial returns through the transport of goods and oil products faster than before.

Fourteen years have passed since the foundation stone was laid for the construction of this port, but political conflicts and the intersection of internal and external interests, in addition to corruption factors, prevented its completion, which prompted the "Popular Movement for the Belt and Road", last April, to demonstrate in the vicinity of the Green Zone, to expose the files of financial and administrative corruption in the Grand Faw Port.

The Greater Faw Project represents an important economic and political goal, given its high financial cost and political and social importance, as many political actors and armed groups seek to control or undermine it to achieve personal gains and political goals.

The Ministry of Transport confirmed this week that the five-berth project, one of the projects of the Grand Faw Port, is witnessing remarkable progress on the ground and faster than its scheduled timelines, noting that the Korean company Daewoo has reached a completion rate of 98 percent in the project.

It is noteworthy that the project to establish the container terminal for the Grand Faw Port, which is one of the five projects of the project, includes the construction of five giant docks for unloading ships with a length of 1,750 meters, and the construction of a container yard with a length of 2,000 meters. link

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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